Acquired Brain Injury
12 Chapters
30 mins

Acquired Brain Injury

This in-depth module aims to provide learners with the standard principles and best practice guidelines in relation to working with and supporting people with acquired brain injuries (ABIs)
Course Fee
Acquired Brain Injury
12 Chapters
30 mins
Mobile friendly
Industry-backed eLearning
About The Course

This in-depth module aims to provide learners with the standard principles and best practice guidelines in relation to working with and supporting people with acquired brain injuries (ABIs). It describes what is meant by the term “acquired brain injury” and the possible causes, including the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the impact/symptoms experienced as a result of injury to distinct areas of the brain. The personal care needs of the individual with an ABI are discussed, including rehabilitation and the importance of promoting independence is emphasised.

Learning Outcomes
  • Describe what is meant by acquired brain injury (ABI)
  • List the possible causes of ABI
  • Describe the anatomy and function of the main areas of the brain
  • Explain how injuries to different parts of the brain may cause different signs and symptoms
  • Recall the possible impact of acquired brain injury on individuals including: loss or bereavement reactions, cognitive impacts, communication impacts, emotional and behavioural changes, and physical impact
  • List the five categories into which acquired brain injuries fall
  • Outline the principles of management and rehabilitation of people with acquired brain injuries
  • List members of the multidisciplinary team who may be involved in the rehabilitation of someone with an acquired brain injury
  • Describe possible personal care needs of individuals with acquired brain injuries
  • Appreciate the importance of promoting independence in regard to ABI rehabilitation
Course Modules
Chapter 1 Definition of ABI
Chapter 2 Causes of ABI
Chapter 3 Anatomy and Function of the Brain
Chapter 4 Relating Signs and Symptoms to Anatomy and Function
Chapter 5 Possible Impact of ABI
Chapter 6 Categorising ABIs
Chapter 7 Rehabilitation
Chapter 8 A Multidisciplinary Approach
Chapter 9 Personal Care Needs
Chapter 10 Promoting Independence
Chapter 11 Summary
Chapter 12 References
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