10 Chapters
30 mins


This module covers the domains of the NEWS2 tool and includes how the tool supports the detection and early management of deteriorating persons and its use within different care settings. It includes how to record/complete documentation in relation to the NEWS2 tool and how to escalate concerns using the SBARD communication tool. It also offers an opportunity to apply this knowledge in an online simulation.
Course Fee
10 Chapters
30 mins
Mobile friendly
Industry-backed eLearning
About The Course

This module covers the domains of the NEWS2 tool and includes how the tool supports the detection and early management of deteriorating persons and its use within different care settings. It includes how to record/complete documentation in relation to the NEWS2 tool and how to escalate concerns using the SBARD communication tool. It also offers an opportunity to apply this knowledge in an online simulation.

Learning Outcomes
  • Explain the purpose of the NEWS2 tool
  • List the benefits of using NEWS2
  • Understand the clinical observations and measurements involved in completing a NEWS2 for a patient
  • Appreciate the differences between the original version of the NEWS tool, and NEWS2
  • Appreciate the application of NEWS2 within different clinical settings including: acute care, emergency departments, community settings, primary care, and mental health settings
  • Summarise how NEWS2 works in regard to identifying deteriorating patients
  • Recognise the NEWS2 thresholds for escalating patient care, and describe appropriate escalatory plans for different NEWS2 scores
  • Appreciate the use of NEWS2 when identifying and monitoring sepsis
  • To understand the purpose of SBARD as a structured communication tool
  • Interpret a simulated patient’s NEWS2 score, recommend appropriate action based on their score, and use SBARD to communicate this recommendation
Course Modules
Chapter 1 What is NEWS2?
Chapter 2 What does NEWS2 measure?
Chapter 3 Recording and acting on NEWS2
Chapter 4 The Evolution of NEWS2
Chapter 5 Application to different clinical settings
Chapter 6 NEWS2 and Sepsis
Chapter 7 Limitations to the NEWS2 tool
Chapter 8 SBARD as a Communication Tool
Chapter 9 Summary
Chapter 10 References
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