Tracheostomy Training
16 Chapters
1 Hours

Tracheostomy Training

In this in-depth module we cover what a tracheostomy is, why a person may have one, what it does, and how to manage and care for a person with a tracheostomy.
Course Fee
Tracheostomy Training
16 Chapters
1 Hours
Mobile friendly
Industry-backed eLearning
About The Course

In this in-depth module we cover what a tracheostomy is, why a person may have one, what it does, and how to manage and care for a person with a tracheostomy. We look at the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract as well as the theory around tracheostomy suctioning, replacement, downsizing, decannulation and humidification in practice. We also cover long-term tracheostomy care and management, including the importance of oral care and nutrition.

Learning Outcomes
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract
  • Explain what a tracheostomy is, and why a tracheostomy may be required
  • Identify the parts of a tracheostomy tube, discuss common tube types, and be aware of tube accessories and appliances
  • Explain what tracheostomy humidification is and describe how this is carried out in practice
  • Explain what tracheostomy suctioning is and describe how this is carried out in practice
  • Apply the principles of wound care and infection control to appreciate how to manage a tracheostomy site
  • Appreciate the difficulties someone with a tracheostomy may have communicating, and discuss how communication may be facilitated
  • Describe how a tracheostomy tube is replaced
  • Define ‘downsizing’ and ‘decannulation’, and appreciate how this is done in practice
  • Detail the important considerations in regard to long-term tracheostomy care and management, including the importance of oral care and nutrition
Course Modules
Chapter 1 What is a Tracheostomy?
Chapter 2 Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory Tract
Chapter 3 Why Might Someone Need a Tracheostomy?
Chapter 4 Tracheostomy Procedure
Chapter 5 Tracheostomy Tubes
Chapter 6 Humidification
Chapter 7 Suctioning
Chapter 8 Managing a Tracheostomy Stoma
Chapter 9 Communication
Chapter 10 Swallowing
Chapter 11 Replacing a Tracheostomy Tube
Chapter 12 Downsizing and Decannulation
Chapter 13 Long-term Care
Chapter 14 Complications
Chapter 15 Summary
Chapter 16 References
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