Care Certificate (Part 11) - Safeguarding Children
8 Chapters
10 mins

Care Certificate (Part 11) - Safeguarding Children

This chapter focuses on safeguarding children, emphasizing the responsibility of health and social care workers to protect the well-being of children and young people under 18. It covers the definitions and differences between safeguarding and child protection, types of abuse, signs and symptoms, and the relevant legislation. The chapter also provides guidance on actions to take when abuse is suspected or alleged, the risks associated with the internet and social networking, and the importance of recognizing children's rights.
Course Fee
Care Certificate (Part 11) -   Safeguarding Children
8 Chapters
10 mins
Mobile friendly
Industry-backed eLearning
About The Course

This chapter focuses on safeguarding children, emphasizing the responsibility of health and social care workers to protect the well-being of children and young people under 18. It covers the definitions and differences between safeguarding and child protection, types of abuse, signs and symptoms, and the relevant legislation. The chapter also provides guidance on actions to take when abuse is suspected or alleged, the risks associated with the internet and social networking, and the importance of recognizing children's rights.

Learning Outcomes
  • Define safeguarding and child protection.
  • List and describe different types of abuse
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of each type of abuse
  • Explain key legislation related to safeguarding children.
  • Outline the steps to take when abuse is suspected or alleged.
  • Identify the potential risks to children and young people posed by the internet and social networking.
  • Understand the significance of recognizing and upholding children's rights in the context of safeguarding.
  • Advocate for the rights of children and young people in professional practice.
Course Modules
Chapter 1 Safeguarding Children
Chapter 2 Legislation
Chapter 3 Understanding Risks of Safeguarding Concerns for Children and Vulnerable Adults
Chapter 4 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Chapter 5 Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO)
Chapter 6 Importance of Clear Documentation
Chapter 7 Whistleblowing
Chapter 8 Disclosures of Abuse from Children
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