9 Chapters
1 Hours


Phlebotomy involves using a needle to draw blood from a vein, typically for lab tests. This procedure, also called venipuncture or blood draw, will be covered in this course, focusing on the theory behind it and important considerations.
Course Fee
9 Chapters
1 Hours
Mobile friendly
Industry-backed eLearning
About The Course

Phlebotomy involves using a needle to draw blood from a vein, typically for lab tests. This procedure, also called venipuncture or blood draw, will be covered in this course, focusing on the theory behind it and important considerations. The course specifically addresses drawing blood from the antecubital fossa (inner elbow) in consenting adults. 





Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the reasons for taking blood and the insights gained from blood tests.
  • Recognize the components of blood: plasma, red and white cells, platelets, veins, and arteries.
  • Explain the anatomy of the antecubital fossa triangle.
  • Know the steps to prevent infection and the correct disposal of materials.
  • Identify proper preparation methods for the procedure area and tray.
  • Select the correct blood tubes and understand the order of collection.
  • Understand the importance of obtaining consent and when it is required.
  • Explain how to label blood tubes accurately and the significance of correct labeling.
  • Follow the procedure from initial greeting to the conclusion of the appointment.
  • Be aware of the risks associated with needlestick injuries.
  • Recognize potential patient concerns during blood collection.
  • Consider special precautions when working alone.
  • Identify best practices in blood collection techniques.
  • Understand responsibilities towards the patient, employer, professional organization, and legal requirements.
Course Modules
Chapter 1 Understanding Phlebotomy
Chapter 2 Understanding Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 3 Avoiding Infection
Chapter 4 Preparing the area, tray & tubes
Chapter 5 Consent & Labelling
Chapter 6 The Process
Chapter 7 Possible Complications & Issues
Chapter 8 Understanding the Law
Chapter 9 Summary
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